
hair dresser

i gotta let you all know that i'm very grumpy about something. 

the other day i went to the hair salon to get a small TRIM. i told the lady i'd been working on growing out my hair for over two years and i just wanted a teeny trim and some long layers. 

oh yeah. typical salon visit. she took off a good 2-3 inches. 

my poor lucious locks! i'm back to where i was about 6 or 7 months ago
boooo short hair


  1. I'm sorry she chopped off your hair, that sucks when that happens. But your hair does still GORGEOUS!! Oh and nice shirt...was that your last picture ever of wearing that shirt? LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Um yeah. That happens to me on the regular. It was a particularly harsh trim that propelled me to chop it all off a couple years ago.
