
key to success: an early perspective

"a dream is a wish your heart makes"

from a young age i was taught to dream. to believe and to hope for something - anything. to find that and allow it to propel me into action. a motivator to help me find the strength and the determination to persevere when no one cares and all is lost. something to yearn for. something to work toward and earn through hard work and dedication.

but why dream about something that you never really plan on having? i'm not saying to dream smaller - not at all. the opposite, actually. dream bigger. dream the biggest, scariest, most exciting adventure of a dream that your brain can design and then hold that dream to you. dreams are valuable, and worth their weight in gold. but don't dream something if you're never going to go after it. i've watched too many people today classify mere desire or envy as "dreams" but they've got it all wrong. a dream is something worthwhile that you're going to work for until it's come true. YOU write your story and you are the author of your dreams. 

so aim high. let's be poetic rather than scientific here for a minute and quote mr. anonymous when he said, "aim for the moon and if you miss you'll lang among the stars". don't be afraid to fail. a true hero knows that the formula for success includes one crucial factor: failure. failure + persistence = success. try, try again. these are all primary answers but they will solve some people's biggest problems today. "pick yourself up and dust yourself off" and then give it another go. don't lose faith in others. don't lose faith in yourself. 

don't walk away from an opportunity to be happier than you've ever been. don't walk out on your dreams if they're all you've ever wanted. chase your dream, catch your dream, live your dream - help others live theirs.

and watch all your wishful thinking turn into your reality through your own rightfully earned success.

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