
jiggidy jig

hey guys! i should have posted something the moment i was back so that no one worried that i had died out there on the lake. [[number 20, consider yourself crossed off]]

unfortunately, after all the swimming around, cliff jumping, biffing off the tube and wake board, and splashing around, plenty of lake water had ample opportunity to find it's way into my ear. this creates a medical condition that they have creatively nick-named "swimmers ear". and in very bad cases like mine? it is very painful and also quite dangerous to your well-being in case you want to be able to do things like...oh i don't know... hear?

so basically my ear and sinus canals swelled to the point where they were almost entirely closed of. the swelling wasn't only in my ear, either, it spread down into my jaw and then continued half way down my neck. i can't say enough how painful this was. i was literally sobbing - even after the doctor told me to take pain killers and gave me my special ear medicine. it's been... six and a half days (four days with the medicine). my ability to hear from my right ear has not yet returned.

anyway. that's why i haven't posted about lake powell yet, but i will get pictures and words written up for you guys soon!! and i am home again, home again!!

1 comment:

  1. haha I remember you "I can halfway hear in my ear! Don't you get it this is huge for me!!!" Love you, hope it gets all the way better soon. x
